
When is the best time of the year to sell?

by Kyle Elam

When is the best time of the year to sell?

When is the best time of the year to sell? You want to sell your home, maximize the amount you sell it for and get it sold in a reasonable amount of time. While there’s no horrible time of the year to sell your home, there are better times of the year to put it on the market to get the best results for yourself. We’ve done the research and the results are in. Here’s the best time of the year to sell.   And the winner is…   Life happens...

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Top deal breakers for a home under contract and how to fix them

by Kyle Elam

Top deal breakers for a home under contract and how to fix them

Your home is under contract, what’s next? Great news, you’ve put your dream home under contract and you’re excited to move in one day soon. That said, there’s a lot that has to happen before you can take occupancy: home inspection, appraisal, financing paperwork, contingencies and other requirements necessary to close. Here’s what you can expect to happen over the coming weeks. Due Diligence Now that the home is yours to negotiate exclusively with...

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Why you should wait to buy that car until after your home purchase?

by Kyle Elam

Why you should wait to buy that car until after your home purchase?

Why you should wait to buy that car until after your home purchase Getting preapproved for a mortgage is a major step in buying a home. In fact, it’s a virtual necessity to secure a home in this market environment if you’re not paying cash. The great news is, when done properly, it’s like having cash in your hands so you can negotiate effectively with a seller to buy a home. It’s easily one of the most important things you can do in order to buy the home of your...

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What does a real estate agent actually do?

by Kyle Elam

What does a real estate agent actually do?

What does a real estate agent actually do?   Being a real estate agent requires you to employ a significant number of skills to complete a variety of different tasks on a daily basis. Trying to put in one or two sentences what an agent does each day is virtually impossible to do. It would be like trying to tell you what a chef does — “cooks food” — or what a nurse does — “takes care of patients”. There’s a lot more that goes into what...

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What is your debt to income ratio...why should you care?

by Kyle Elam

What is your debt to income ratio...why should you care?

What is your debt to income ratio...why should you care? Any time you have more income and less debt, you’re in good shape in life. That said, there is an ideal ratio between your debt and income in order to qualify for a good mortgage. When your debt to income ratio is on the high side, you run the risk of not getting a good loan (or not getting a loan at all) if your income were to take a hit right before or during the loan funding process. Conversely, having no debt can work...

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What happens when you overprice your home?

by Kyle Elam

What happens when you overprice your home?

What happens when you overprice your home? When the real estate market favors sellers, it’s almost like there’s a feeding frenzy among buyers trying to secure listings that seem to get snapped up within hours of being put on the market. Such demand drives the prices of homes up rapidly, which only feeds into the perception that the good times will last forever. Unfortunately, trees don’t grow to the sky and there will always be a top of the market. What this means is...

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10 questions you must ask an agent before you list your home

by Kyle Elam

10 questions you must ask an agent before you list your home

10 questions you must ask an agent before you list your home Currently, there are over 1.61 million Realtors in the United States alone. The number of people that have joined the real estate sales force over the last 10 years is more than a half a million.. No two agents are the same and less than 10% of the total number of Realtors to 90% of the business. In fact, the average agent has sold roughly 4.2 homes for more than five years now. In addition to that, not all agents are created equally....

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How to beat other buyers to hot, new listings (Before they even know about them)

by Kyle Elam

How to beat other buyers to hot, new listings (Before they even know about them)

How to beat other buyers to hot, new listings (Before they even know about them) Buyers want three things when they’re making a purchase: Selection: Have the largest number of options from which to choose Price: Get a smoking hot deal on what I want to buy Ease of doing business: Don’t make it hard for me to buy it It doesn’t matter if they’re buying shoes, a toaster or a house, all three of them matter and they usually matter in that order. And when...

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When is the Best Season of the Year to Buy to get the Best Deal

by Kyle Elam

When is the Best Season of the Year to Buy to get the Best Deal

When is the Best Season of the Year to Buy to get the Best Deal The housing market here in the United States has been moving at a blistering pace for a while now. On the whole, home prices increased more than 33% from February 2020 to June 2022. What’s even better news is that It’s expected that the housing market will continue to climb in the future — albeit a little more slowly now — due to the changes that were made in the lending market coming out of the mortgage...

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How much you should put down to purchase your new home?

by Kyle Elam

How much you should put down to purchase your new home?

How much should you put down to purchase your new home? Historically, home buyers seek to put down 20% when they purchase a home. However, according to a recent survey by The National Association of Realtors (NAR), the actual national average is much closer to 10%. When it comes to first-time homebuyers, the average down payment is at 4% as per the same survey. While down payment requirements vary based on the lender you choose to work with, the amount required will usually depend...

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